£28.46About White Widow Feminised Seeds
In the mid-1990s, a marijuana legend was born. Almost overnight, White Widow appeared on the menu of just about every coffee-shop in the Netherlands. This marijuana masterpiece went on to become a yardstick against which all other “white” marijuana strains are held up. Marijuana seeds of the White Widow strain grow into tall plants with delicate arms. Her buds are moderately compact in order to contain the copious amounts of THC resin she produces. Tending toward the Cannabis Sativa side, Nirvana White Widow produces a buzz that is powerful yet energizing and very social.
THC | Strong |
Yield Notes | Indoor: 325 - 425 g/m2 |
Many say that the magical herb is euphoric, but Nirvana Seeds is pure heaven! This Dutch breeder opened their doors in the heart of Amsterdam way back in 1995 with one of the original Positronics' masterminds at the helm. With that kind of knowledge, Nirvana Seeds was a shoe-in to reach legendary status. Buy your regular and feminized seeds today & join Nirvana in spreading peace & serenity throughout the world. It just may change your life!
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